Exhibitions and awards


Urban Salon has clinched the esteemed Dobry Wzór 2013 award in the Public Sphere category for "Best designed product on the Polish market." The Dobry Wzór is a yearly event held by the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw, dedicated to professionally assessing the design standard and quality of products and services available in Poland.

The City Salon design has been showcased at numerous exhibitions, including both Polish and international venues. It was featured at:

  • "Good Design 2013" exhibition, Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw,
  • Łódź Design Festival 2013 - exhibition accompanying the event "Urban Salon 2013, Institute of Design Kielce", October 17-27, 2013.
  • Vth Minsk International Biennale of Young Architects "Leonardo 2013", Minsk, Belarus, September 28, 2013.
  • Exhibition at the Coal Market organized by the Institute of Urban Culture in Gdynia, August 26 - September 4, 2013
  • Presentation of the project in the Pecha Kucha block during the Mazovian Days of Creativity, Design and Innovation 2013, Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, September 23, 2013
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